One of our services also offered through our technical is to advise those who have loans that are no longer able to pay and therefore have a valid need for support on how to get an effective solution to their disputes and foreclosures.
Many today are very exposed for resorting to consumer credit for the purchase of property type (house, furniture, cars, appliances, etc., etc..) And are no longer able to honor payments.
In addition, because of bad judgment and the enormous costs of the procedure, often the Still fails to cover debts to creditors, and for this reason whom enforcement is bound to the full satisfaction of the creditors, with the possibility of being forced to give up one-fifth of their salary or other seizure of movable or immovable property in their possession.
One of the possible solutions is represented by the so-called operations and final settlement of the debt, which may lead to pay off the debt with a significant reduction in, or you can use the technique of consolidating debts.
We list some of the advantages of the operations of full and final settlement of the debt:
Whom enforcement is completely debt-free, because one of the characteristics of the technique is to reduce the debts to all creditors aiming for a very short time satisfaction of the claim.
Elimination of expenses auction procedure also avoids the visits of the bailiff, the possible intervention of the police, etc, etc..
Rehabilitation from reporting such bad payers (CRIF and signaling to the exchange risk, protests, etc., etc.,) in fact prevent such reports can take advantage of loans or financing.
These are just some of the reasons why you must anticipate these events, and when they are notified of the foreclosure real estate, try to sell the foreclosed home as soon as possible.